Join Crewstore

Join Crewstore

If you are a talented, hard working production person or crew, we invite you to apply to be part of thecrewstore. Please be honest when you apply and make arrangements for us to view your work quickly after your application is submitted. Thecrewstore is not an online directory or listing service—it is a talent agency representing proven talent. Our crews generally have a minimum of 10 years of experience, follow standardized production values, tools and techniques - and are the most professional, creative, and energetic in the business. In order to be accepted as part of our family you must be willing to share with us what is great about you! Every time we send a crew out on location, our reputation goes with them, so all our crews are thoroughly screened before they can join. Not all crews that apply are accepted - because we represent only the crews that perfectly match our clients needs. If you are a newer crew, we encourage you keep in touch and submit your materials again down the road.